
If you want to have some hands on practice without the hassle of installing and setting up the required softwares in your local machine 🔫DB Fiddle provides free SQL sandbox. In a lot of problems below prebuilt sandbox links are already provided to refer but it is always recommended that you setup your personal sandbox to play around.

[Leetcode] Second highest salary

For a similar problem with different approach check Nth highest salary problem

Write a SQL query to get the second highest salary from the Employee table.

| Id | Salary |
| 1  | 100    |
| 2  | 200    |
| 3  | 300    |

For example, given the above Employee table, the query should return 200 as the second highest salary. If there is no second highest salary, then the query should return null.


Multiple solutions are possible two approaches are given below for reference

FROM Employee
AS SecondHighestSalary

I feel the below solution is more complete as it gives you the ability to handle edge cases if id is also needed and there are multiple employees with same salary:

with cte(
dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) as rank
from Employee)

select salary as SecondHighestSalary
from cte where rank = 2
[Leetcode] Rank Scores

Reference - Leetcode

Write a SQL query to rank scores. If there is a tie between two scores, both should have the same ranking. Note that after a tie, the next ranking number should be the next consecutive integer value. In other words, there should be no "holes" between ranks.

| Id | Score |
| 1  | 3.40  |
| 2  | 3.65  |
| 3  | 4.00  |
| 4  | 3.50  |
| 5  | 4.00  |
| 6  | 3.65  |

For example, given the above Scores table, your query should generate the following report (order by highest score):

| score | Rank    |
| 4.00  | 1       |
| 4.00  | 1       |
| 3.95  | 2       |
| 3.65  | 3       |
| 3.65  | 3       |
| 3.40  | 4       |


The tie resolving method which is being asked in the question is called Dense Rank, if we use Rank it will have "holes"

Score, dense_rank() over(order by score desc) as Rank
from Scores
[CHEWY] 2nd Highest score
| Id | subject | marks |
|  1 | Maths   |    30 |
|  1 | Phy     |    50 |
|  1 | Chem    |    85 |
|  2 | Maths   |    90 |
|  2 | Phy     |    50 |
|  2 | Chem    |    85 |

Select the second highest mark for each student.


with CTE as(
	select *, rank() over(partition by Id order by marks desc) as Rank from tablename
select Id, subject, marks from CTE where Rank = 1
[Leetcode] Consecutive Numbers

Reference - Leetcode

Write an SQL query to find all numbers that appear at least three times consecutively.

Return the result table in any order.


Logs table:

| Id | Num |
| 1  | 1   |
| 2  | 1   |
| 3  | 1   |
| 4  | 2   |
| 5  | 1   |
| 6  | 2   |
| 7  | 2   |

Result table:

| ConsecutiveNums |
| 1               |

1 is the only number that appears consecutively for at least three times.


Multiple solutions are possible, one of them is given below

with a(Num,NextNum,SecondNextNum ) as(

	         , LEAD(Num, 1) OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS NextNum
	         , LEAD(Num, 2) OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS SecondNextNum
	      FROM Logs

	select distinct(Num) as ConsecutiveNums from a
	Num = NextNum
	and Num = SecondNextNum
[SALESFORCE] User Growth


Given you have user data for 2 accounts for 2 months. Calculate the growth rate of users in each account where growth rate is defined as unique users in month 2 divided by unique users in month 1.

| date_details | account_id | user_id |
| 2021-01-01   | U1         | A1      |
| 2021-01-01   | U1         | A2      |
| 2021-01-01   | U1         | A3      |
| 2021-01-01   | U1         | A4      |
| 2021-02-01   | U1         | A1      |
| 2021-02-01   | U1         | A2      |
| 2021-02-01   | U1         | A3      |
| 2021-02-01   | U1         | A4      |
| 2021-02-01   | U1         | A5      |
| 2021-01-01   | U2         | A1      |
| 2021-01-01   | U2         | A2      |
| 2021-01-01   | U2         | A3      |
| 2021-02-01   | U2         | A1      |
| 2021-02-01   | U2         | A2      |


with cte as (
	select account_id, count(distinct(user_id)) as unique_user, MONTH(date_details) as user_month from tablename
	group by account_id, MONTH(date_details)

select a.account_id,month_2,month_1,
cast((month_2/month_1)as float) as growth  from 
(select account_id, unique_user as month_1
from cte where user_month = 1)a
left join
(select account_id, unique_user as month_2
from cte where user_month = 2)b
on (a.account_id = b.account_id)
[SALESFORCE] Month over Month Revenue


You have 2 tables:

  • transactions: date, prod_id, quantity

  • products: prod_id, price

Calculate the month over month revenue, example month over month revenue for month2 is month2_Revenue- month1_Revenue


with cte as(
	select MONTH(a.date_details) as month, sum(b.price*a.qty) as Rev
	from transactions a
	inner join products b
	on a.prod_id = b.prod_id
	group by MONTH(a.date_details)

	cte2 as(
	select month, Rev, lag(Rev,1) over(order by month) as prev_month
	from cte

select month, (Rev-Prev_month) as extra_rev  from cte2
prev_month is not null
[SALESFORCE] Retention Rate


Find the monthly retention rate of users for each account separately for Dec 2020 and Jan 2021. Retention rate is the percentage of active users an account retains over a given period of time. In this case, assume the user is retained if he/she stays with the app in any future months. For example, if a user was active in Dec 2020 and has activity in any future month, consider them retained for Dec. You can assume all accounts are present in Dec 2020 and Jan 2021. Your output should have the account ID and the Jan 2021 retention rate divided by Dec 2020 retention rate.

Note: I believe the official solution provided on the website is not correct as of 25-10-2023


-- ret rate for jan and dec = active in future/ active in dec
-- ret rate of jan 21 ret rate/ dec 20 ret rate at acc_id level

with cte as(
select a.account_id, a.user_id,dec_active,jan_active,last_actv    from 
(select account_id, user_id
, case when date between '2020-12-01' and '2020-12-31' then 1 else 0 end as dec_active
, case when date between '2021-01-01' and '2021-01-31' then 1 else 0 end as jan_active
from sf_events)a

inner join
select user_id, max(date) as last_actv
from sf_events group by user_id) b
on a.user_id = b.user_id),

cte2 as(
, sum(case when dec_active = 1 and last_actv > '2020-12-31' then 1 else 0 end)/sum(dec_active) *1.0 as dec_retn
, sum(case when jan_active = 1 and last_actv > '2021-01-01' then 1 else 0 end)/sum(jan_active) *1.0 as jan_retn
 from cte
group by account_id)

select account_id, jan_retn/nullif(dec_retn,0) * 1.0 as retention from cte2
[SALESFORCE] Employee earning more than their manager

Reference - Leetcode

Write an SQL query to find the employees who earn more than their managers.

| Id | Name  | Salary | ManagerId |
|  1 | Joe   |  70000 |         3 |
|  2 | Henry |  80000 |         4 |
|  3 | Sam   |  60000 |           |
|  4 | Max   |  90000 |           |

Output will be : Joe


with cte as(
	Select a.Name as Employee, b.Name as Manager, a.Salary as Emp_Sal, b.Salary as Man_Salary
	from Employee a
	inner join Employee b
	on a.ManagerId =

Select Employee from cte where Emp_Sal > Man_Salary
[Leetcode] Highest Salary in each Department

Reference - Leetcode

Write an SQL query to find employees who have the highest salary in each of the departments.



with cte as(
	select Name, Salary, DepartmentId,
	RANK() over(Partition by DepartmentId order by salary desc) as Rank
	from Employee
select b.Name as Department, a.Name as Employee, a.Salary
from cte a
inner join Department b
on a.DepartmentId = b.Id
where a.Rank = 1
[AMAZON] Cumulative Sum

Given a users table, write a query to get the cumulative number of new users added by day, with the total reset every month.



Select Created_date
,SUM(Count(Id)) OVER(partition by month(Created_date) order by Created_date) as Total_users
from users
group by Created_date
Tree Structure Labeling

🔫Playground Input:

| node | parent |
| 1    | 2      |
| 2    | 5      |
| 3    | 5      |
| 4    | 3      |
| 5    | NULL   |

Write SQL such that you label each node as a “leaf”, “inner” or “Root” node, such that for the nodes above the output is:


| node | label |
| 1    | Leaf  |
| 2    | Inner |
| 3    | Inner |
| 4    | Leaf  |
| 5    | Root  |


select node,
when parent is null then 'Root'
when node not in (select parent from tree where parent is not null) then 'Leaf'
else 'Inner'
end as label
from tree
[FACEBOOK] Binning data

🔫Playground Input:

| id | length |
|  1 |      4 |
|  2 |      3 |
|  3 |      7 |
|  4 |      8 |
|  5 |      9 |
|  6 |    110 |
|  7 |    113 |

Bin the videos into groups of 5 secs each


| bucket  | count |
| 0-5     |     2 |
| 5-10    |     3 |
| 110-115 |     2 |

Another similar question was asked in Facebook but instead of video length the ask was to write a SQL query to create a histogram of number of comments per user in the month of January 2020. As the approach is similar hence not including it here.


with cte as(
select id, length, ((CAST((FLOOR(length)/5)*5 as varchar)) +'-'+(CAST((FLOOR(length)/5)*5+5 as varchar))) as bucket
from video_view_details
select bucket, count(id) as 'count'
from cte
group by bucket
order by len(bucket) asc, bucket desc
[DROPBOX] Closest SAT Scores


Given a table of students and their SAT test scores, write a query to return the two students with the closest test scores with the score difference. Assume a random pick if there are multiple students with the same score difference.


| id | score |
|  1 |    40 |
|  2 |    35 |
|  3 |    70 |
|  4 |    80 |


| id | other_student | diff |
|  1 |             2 |    5 |


with cte as(
select id
  , LEAD(id, 1) over(order by score desc) as other_student
  , score - LEAD(score, 1) over(order by score desc) as diff

select top 1 * from cte
where diff is not null
order by diff
[AMAZON] Average Distance between Cities


You are given a table with varying distances from various cities. How do you find the average distance between each of the pairs of the cities?

| scity  | dcity  | distance |
| City A | City B |       30 |
| City A | City B |       32 |
| City B | City A |       29 |
| City A | City C |       40 |
| City C | City A |       41 |


| city1  | city2  |         distance |
| City A | City C |             40.5 |
| City A | City B | 30.3333333333333 |

Another variant of this question is

"Write a query to create a new table, named flight routes, that displays unique pairs of two locations?"


  (case when scity < dcity then scity else dcity end) city1, 
  (case when scity < dcity then dcity else scity end) city2,
  avg(cast(distance as float)) distance
from tablename 
group by
  (case when scity < dcity then scity else dcity end), 
  (case when scity < dcity then dcity else scity end)
order by avg(cast(distance as float)) desc
[AMAZON] Duplicate Rows

Given a users table, write a query to return only its duplicate rows


Multiple solutions are possible only one approach is given below for reference

Let's assume there are 2 columns: id, name

SELECT *, COUNT(*) FROM userstable
GROUP BY id, name
[INTUIT] Product Average

transactions table

|   column   |   type   |
| id         | integer  |
| user_id    | integer  |
| created_at | datetime |
| product_id | integer  |
| quantity   | integer  |

products table

| column |   type  |
| id     | integer |
| name   | string  |
| price  | float   |

Given a table of transactions and products, write a query to return the product id, product price, and average transaction price of all products with price greater than the average transaction price.



with cte as (
    avg(t.quantity * p.price) as avg_trans_price
from transactions t
inner join products p
	on t.product_id =
group by t.product_id

select as product_id, 
    p.price as product_price, 
    c.avg_trans_price as avg_price
from products p
inner join cte c
	on = c.product_id
where p.price > c.avg_trans_price
[INTUIT] Data Analyst Interview Question

Given the following tables:


Experiments is a table in which we store whether a user is part of an experiment and if so whether they are in test or control (assume there is only one test variant per experiment). The fields are:

● user_id - There are many users each of whom can be in many experiments

● assignment_ts - timestamp of when the user was allocated to the experiment. A user is only allocated once per experiment.

● experiment_id - An experiment has many users

● experiment_assignment - Whether the user is in test or control. Assignments are immutable and there is only one assignment per user/experiment combo.

Subscriptions is a table of subscription related events. For each user, there will always be a trial start event however there will only be a subscription start event if the user subscribes. Assume a given user can only have one trial start and at most one subscription start. The subscription can start at any time after the trial start and times for either event type are captured in event_ts.


Write queries to produce the following:

  1. When did each experiment start? Use the first instance of an experiment assignment to either test or control for an experiment to equate to when the experiment started. Results should look like:

  1. How long did each experiment last, expressed in days? Assume the last instance of an experiment assignment to test or control for an experiment to equate to when the experiment ended. Results should look like:

  1. How many users are in test and control for each experiment? Result should look like:

  1. What is the conversion rate by experiment assignment for each experiment? A conversion is any user for whom there is a subscription start event in addition to the trial start event (all users have a trial start event). If a user is in multiple experiments at the same time, it’s ok to count them towards the conversion rate of each experiment. We also want to only return one row per experiment. Result should look like:

5) For each experiment_id, rank and list first 3 user_ids who subscribed to the product. Output should look like:

[INTUIT] Employer EINs


We're given a table called employers that consists of a user_id, year, and employer EIN label. Users can have multiple employers dictated by the different EIN labels.

Write a query to add a flag to each user if they've added a new employer in the current year.


# employer
# user_id    year    employer_ein
# 34323      2018    A 
# 34323      2018    B
# 34323      2018    C
# 34323      2017    F
# 34323      2017    A
# 34323      2017    B
# 86323      2018    A
# 86323      2018    B
# 86323      2018    C
# 86323      2017    B
# 98787      2018    A
# 98787      2018    B
# 98787      2017    B
# 98787      2017    A

# Output
# user_id    year    new_ein_flag
# 34323      2018      1
# 86323      2018      1
# 98787      2018      0 


This problem is a little trickier than it looks at the outset

with cte as
select user_id, ein,
case when year = max(year) over() then 1 else 0 end as 'CY_flg',
case when year = max(year) over() -1 then 1 else 0 end as 'LY_flg'
from users

cte2 as(
select user_id, ein,  sum(CY_flg) as 'CY_flg', sum(LY_flg) as 'LY_flg' from cte
group by user_id, ein)

select b.user_id, isnull(newflg,0) as new_ein_count  from
  (select user_id, isnull(count(ein),0) as newflg from cte2
where CY_flg = 1 and Ly_flg = 0
  group by user_id)a
right join
(select distinct(user_id) from users) b
on a.user_id = b.user_id

Last updated