Data Manipulation


[GOOGLE] Score Bucketization

Let’s say you’re given a list of standardized test scores from high schoolers from grades 9 to 12

Given the dataset, write code in Pandas to return the cumulative percentage of students that received scores within the buckets of <50, <75, <90, <100

Example Input:

|  user_id | grade | test score |
| -------- | ----- | ---------- |
| 1        | 10    | 85         |
| 2        | 10    | 60         |
| 3        | 11    | 90         |
| 4        | 10    | 30         |
| 5        | 11    | 99         |

Example Output:

| grade | test score | percentage |
| ----- | ---------- | ---------- |
| 10    | <50        | 30%        |
| 10    | <75        | 65%        |
| 10    | <90        | 96%        |
| 10    | <100       | 99%        |
| 11    | <50        | 15%        |
| 11    | <75        | 50%        |


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame([[1,10,85],[2,10,60],[3,11,90],[4,10,30],[5,11,99]], columns = ["user_id","grade","test score"])

df["<50"] = np.where(df["test score"]<50,1,0)
df["<75"] = np.where(df["test score"]<75,1,0)
df["<90"] = np.where(df["test score"]<90,1,0)
df["<100"] = np.where(df["test score"]<100,1,0)

df = df.groupby(["grade"])[["<50","<75","<90","<100"]].sum().reset_index()
df = df.melt(id_vars=["grade"],var_name="test score",value_name="count")

df["grp_ttl"] = df.groupby("grade")["count"].transform('max')
df["percentage"] = 100*df["count"]/df["grp_ttl"]

df = (df[["grade","test score","percentage"]].copy()).sort_values(["grade","percentage"],ascending=True)

df["percentage"] = df.percentage.astype(int).astype(str)
df["percentage"] = df["percentage"] + "%"

[NEXTDOOR] Complete Addresses

You’re given two dataframes. One contains information about addresses and the other contains relationships between various cities and states:



4860 Sunset Boulevard, San Francisco, 94105 3055 Paradise Lane, Salt Lake City, 84103 682 Main Street, Detroit, 48204 9001 Cascade Road, Kansas City, 64102 5853 Leon Street, Tampa, 33605


city state Salt Lake City Utah Kansas City Missouri Detroit Michigan Tampa Florida San Francisco California

Write a function complete_address to create a single dataframe with complete addresses in the format of street, city, state, zipcode.


import pandas as pd

addresses = {"address": ["4860 Sunset Boulevard, San Francisco, 94105", "3055 Paradise Lane, Salt Lake City, 84103", "682 Main Street, Detroit, 48204", "9001 Cascade Road, Kansas City, 64102", "5853 Leon Street, Tampa, 33605"]}

cities = {"city": ["Salt Lake City", "Kansas City", "Detroit", "Tampa", "San Francisco"], "state": ["Utah", "Missouri", "Michigan", "Florida", "California"]}

df_addresses = pd.DataFrame(addresses)
df_cities = pd.DataFrame(cities)

def complete_address(df_addresses,df_cities):
    temp = df_addresses['address'].str.split(", ", n = 4, expand = True)
    temp.columns = ['street','city','zip']
    temp = temp.merge(df_cities, on=["city"], how="inner")
    temp["final"] = temp[["street","city","state","zip"]].apply(lambda x: (", ").join(x), axis = 1)
    temp = temp[["final"]].copy()
    temp.columns = ["address"]
    return temp


Can you tell me what is approximately Windows function equivalent in Pandas?


Windows function in SQL brings row wise calculation capabilities. An approximate equivalent of it can be transform in pandas it brings row wise calculation capabilities in Python.

[Forbes] Most Profitable Companies

Check this link to practice​.

Find the 3 most profitable companies in the entire world. Output the result along with the corresponding company name. Sort the result based on profits in descending order.


t = forbes_global_2010_2014.sort_values('profits', ascending = False)
[Amazon] [DoorDash] Workers With The Highest Salaries

Check this link to practice​.

You have been asked to find the job titles of the highest-paid employees.

Your output should include the highest-paid title or multiple titles with the same salary.


t = pd.merge(worker, title, left_on = 'worker_id', right_on = 'worker_ref_id', how='inner')
t.sort_values('salary', ascending = False, inplace = True)
t['rank'] = t['salary'].rank(method='dense', ascending= False)
[Meta] Users By Average Session Time

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Calculate each user's average session time. A session is defined as the time difference between a page_load and page_exit. For simplicity, assume a user has only 1 session per day and if there are multiple of the same events on that day, consider only the latest page_load and earliest page_exit, with an obvious restriction that load time event should happen before exit time event . Output the user_id and their average session time.


# Import your libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Start writing code
entry = facebook_web_log[facebook_web_log['action'].isin(['page_load'])].copy()
exit = facebook_web_log[facebook_web_log['action'].isin(['page_exit'])].copy()
entry['day'] = entry['timestamp']
exit['day'] = exit['timestamp']
entry = entry.groupby(['user_id','day'], as_index=False).max()
exit = exit.groupby(['user_id','day'], as_index=False).max()

t =pd.merge(entry, exit, on=['user_id','day'], how='inner')
t['diff'] = t['timestamp_y'] - t['timestamp_x']
[Google] Activity Rank

Check this link to practice​.

Find the email activity rank for each user. Email activity rank is defined by the total number of emails sent. The user with the highest number of emails sent will have a rank of 1, and so on. Output the user, total emails, and their activity rank. Order records by the total emails in descending order. Sort users with the same number of emails in alphabetical order. In your rankings, return a unique value (i.e., a unique rank) even if multiple users have the same number of emails. For tie breaker use alphabetical order of the user usernames.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

result = google_gmail_emails.groupby(
result['rank'] = result['total_emails'].rank(method='first', ascending=False)
result = result.sort_values(by=['total_emails', 'from_user'], ascending=[False, True])
[Amazon] Finding User Purchases

Check this link to practice​.

Write a query that'll identify returning active users. A returning active user is a user that has made a second purchase within 7 days of any other of their purchases. Output a list of user_ids of these returning active users.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime

amazon_transactions["created_at"] = pd.to_datetime(amazon_transactions["created_at"]).dt.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
df = amazon_transactions.sort_values(by=['user_id', 'created_at'], ascending=[True, True])
df['prev_value'] = df.groupby('user_id')['created_at'].shift()
df['days'] = (pd.to_datetime(df['created_at']) - pd.to_datetime(df['prev_value'])).dt.days
result = df[df['days'] <= 7]['user_id'].unique()
[Amazon] Monthly Percentage Difference

Check this link to practice​.

Given a table of purchases by date, calculate the month-over-month percentage change in revenue. The output should include the year-month date (YYYY-MM) and percentage change, rounded to the 2nd decimal point, and sorted from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. The percentage change column will be populated from the 2nd month forward and can be calculated as ((this month's revenue - last month's revenue) / last month's revenue)*100.


# Import your libraries
import pandas as pd

# Start writing code
sf_transactions['created_at'] = pd.to_datetime(sf_transactions['created_at'], format='%b')

sf_transactions['year-m'] = sf_transactions['created_at'].dt.to_period('M').astype(str)

df = sf_transactions.groupby('year-m', as_index=False)['value'].sum().sort_values(by='year-m', ascending = True)
df['LM'] = df['value'].shift()
df['prcnt_change'] = (100*(df['value'] - df['LM'])/df['LM']).round(2)
[Salesforce][Tesla] New Products

Check this link to practice​.

You are given a table of product launches by company by year. Write a query to count the net difference between the number of products companies launched in 2020 with the number of products companies launched in the previous year. Output the name of the companies and a net difference of net products released for 2020 compared to the previous year.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime

df_2020 = car_launches[car_launches['year'].astype(str) == '2020']
df_2019 = car_launches[car_launches['year'].astype(str) == '2019']
df = pd.merge(df_2020, df_2019, how='outer', on=[
    'company_name'], suffixes=['_2020', '_2019']).fillna(0)
df = df[df['product_name_2020'] != df['product_name_2019']]
df = df.groupby(['company_name']).agg(
    {'product_name_2020': 'nunique', 'product_name_2019': 'nunique'}).reset_index()
df['net_new_products'] = df['product_name_2020'] - df['product_name_2019']
result = df[['company_name', 'net_new_products']]
[Google][Netflix] Top Percentile Fraud

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ABC Corp is a mid-sized insurer in the US and in the recent past their fraudulent claims have increased significantly for their personal auto insurance portfolio. They have developed a ML based predictive model to identify propensity of fraudulent claims. Now, they assign highly experienced claim adjusters for top 5 percentile of claims identified by the model. Your objective is to identify the top 5 percentile of claims from each state. Your output should be policy number, state, claim cost, and fraud score.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

fraud_score["percentile"] = fraud_score.groupby('state')['fraud_score'].rank(pct=True)
df= fraud_score[fraud_score['percentile']>.95]
result = df[['policy_num','state','claim_cost','fraud_score']]
[LinkedIn] Risky Projects

Check this link to practice​.

Identify projects that are at risk for going overbudget. A project is considered to be overbudget if the cost of all employees assigned to the project is greater than the budget of the project.

You'll need to prorate the cost of the employees to the duration of the project. For example, if the budget for a project that takes half a year to complete is $10K, then the total half-year salary of all employees assigned to the project should not exceed $10K. Salary is defined on a yearly basis, so be careful how to calculate salaries for the projects that last less or more than one year.

Output a list of projects that are overbudget with their project name, project budget, and prorated total employee expense (rounded to the next dollar amount).

HINT: to make it simpler, consider that all years have 365 days. You don't need to think about the leap years.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime

df = pd.merge(linkedin_projects, linkedin_emp_projects, how = 'inner',left_on = ['id'], right_on=['project_id'])
df1 = pd.merge(df, linkedin_employees, how = 'inner',left_on = ['emp_id'], right_on=['id'])
df1['project_duration'] = (pd.to_datetime(df1['end_date']) - pd.to_datetime(df1['start_date'])).dt.days
df_expense = df1.groupby('title')['salary'].sum().reset_index(name='expense')
df_budget_expense = pd.merge(df1, df_expense, how = 'left',left_on = ['title'], right_on=['title'])
df_budget_expense['prorated_expense'] = np.ceil(df_budget_expense['expense']*(df_budget_expense['project_duration'])/365)
df_budget_expense['budget_diff'] = df_budget_expense['prorated_expense'] - df_budget_expense['budget']
df_over_budget = df_budget_expense[df_budget_expense["budget_diff"] > 0]
result = df_over_budget[['title','budget','prorated_expense']]
result = result.drop_duplicates().sort_values('title')
[Microsoft] Premium vs Freemium

Check this link to practice​.

Find the total number of downloads for paying and non-paying users by date. Include only records where non-paying customers have more downloads than paying customers. The output should contain 3 columns date, non-paying downloads, paying downloads.


# Import your libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Start writing code
paying_accs = (ms_acc_dimension[ms_acc_dimension['paying_customer']!='no'])['acc_id'].unique()
paying_cust = (ms_user_dimension[ms_user_dimension['acc_id'].isin(paying_accs)])['user_id'].unique()
# paying_cust
ms_download_facts['p_np'] = np.where(ms_download_facts['user_id'].isin(paying_cust), 'paying downloads', 'non-paying downloads')
ms_download_facts['date'] = ms_download_facts['date']
ms_download_facts = ms_download_facts.groupby(['date', 'p_np'], as_index= False)['downloads'].sum()
ms_download_facts = ms_download_facts.pivot(index= 'date', columns = 'p_np', values='downloads')
ms_download_facts['date'] = ms_download_facts.index

Last updated